Know Thy True Enemy

by January 31, 2023

Imagine we are sitting down together with a cup of coffee, and I ask you “who is your enemy?” What would you answer? Perhaps you might name some person who has annoyed you — your neighbour, for example, or some childhood foe. Maybe you might name some foreign country that your country is at war with. But what if I tell you they are not your enemies at all? 

First, you must understand that you have been brainwashed by the Western media to see certain figures or countries as your enemy. Right now, you probably feel that the name Russia is synonymous with “enemy”, correct? If you live in the West, then you probably believe that Russia and China are the bad guys, while the Western world is the good guy, right? 

But for a moment, I ask you to place yourself in the opposite position. Imagine that you live in Russia or China. Can you see how the people of the Eastern hemisphere think the exact opposite to you, that their country is the good guy, while the West is the bad guy? Are these people not the same as you? Just going about their normal daily life, drinking coffee, talking, working, and pooping?

You see, people are just people. They are just people everywhere, in every corner of this planet. They have nothing to fight for, nothing to hate, nothing to separate. They share this planet with you. They are just like you. So, I ask you, is there any reason for people like you, on the other side of the world, to consider you as their enemy? Don’t be a fool. No one has anything to fight you for.

So, you might ask me, why do we believe that we have such enemies? Because the essence of “the enemy” is one of the cornerstones of our civilisation and has been across the history of mankind. There must always be an enemy. And if no enemy exists, then humans will create evidence to prove that an enemy exists, or two, or three, or more. 

Again, you may ask me why is this? Put simply, it’s because the oligarchical regimes, those who are truly in power (not the governmental puppets you think are in charge), will always create enemies for you. For these regimes, enemies must exist because then war exists, and if war exists, then the super wealthy oligarchs benefit because they are the shareholders of the war industry (and in almost all of the world’s big companies, actually). 

Recently, I was in a coffee shop when I met a 21-year-old girl called Naomi from Tanzania. I asked why she moved to Limassol, and she said she cannot afford to live in Tanzania due to the very low salaries and very high cost of living. I asked why this is and Naomi surprised me with her response. She said, “because my country is occupied.” I asked, “by who?” as it was the first time I’d heard of Tanzania being occupied. She replied, “my country is occupied by the rich.” You see, dear reader, Naomi’s only enemy are the rich people of her country. Here, you might also put your coffee down in surprise.

So, I ask you: Do you know who your real enemy is? It’s not people living on the other side of the world. It’s not people like you, struggling to afford their energy bills. It’s the rich people of your own country. Why, you might ask me? Because they prevent you from living fairly, under reasonable conditions. From your birth, they haven’t allowed you to be an equal of theirs because you were not born into a wealthy family. 

This is why all of the doors to the exclusive lounges and private members clubs are closed to you. You cannot share the wealth and prosperity because your country is occupied by wealthy families. And worse still, these rich families are the oligarchs in power, the very ones who create fake enemies for you, you idiot. Yet you blindly accept that your enemies are in some country thousands of miles away. Hey, wake up, your only enemy is living in your very own country.