Noah Agrotes

Noah Agrotes was born in 1962. No writer of this kind could have appeared at any other time in the 4.5 billion years of life on planet Earth. Noah’s entire life before "The Temple" was a period of sacrifice and preparation for the purpose of writing this book. Noah lives in Limassol, South Cyprus. However, he does not identify with the cultural attitudes and perceptions manifested on the island, especially the huge governmental corruption. He considers himself an absolute foreigner. A stranger here, a stranger everywhere.

Know Thy True Enemy

Imagine we are sitting down together with a cup of coffee, and I ask you “who is your enemy?” What would you answer? Perhaps you might name some person who has annoyed you — your neighbour, for example, or some childhood foe. Maybe you might name some foreign country that your country is at war […]

A Lesson in the Great Brain Property Called Patience

“Patience is a virtue,” as they say. But how many people actually practice the act of patience? How many people want everything this second because they are trained by endless scrolling through social media to have the attention span of a goldfish? How many Amazon next-day deliveries of materialistic shit arrive every minute? Here, I […]

The Renaissance of the Human Body and Mind

You have no doubt heard of the Renaissance, which was a period of cultural, artistic, political, and economic “rebirth” after the Middle Ages. The Renaissance period was characterised by efforts to rejuvenate and exceed the ideas and achievements of classical antiquity, which came before it. This is also an idea that we can apply to […]